Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photo Journal

If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is one LONG blog,,,,,
Photos from around my town of San Luis de Canete - a precious pueblo
My 3 adorable kids - Amir, Camila and Santi

Asparagus growing near town - a big export crop - very little for the locals

Typical bamboo roof has 3" of dirt on top

Direct Deposit - these bathrooms built right over the drainage canal/sewer

The lovely beach 2km from my house

The not-so-lovely trash piles on the beach

My hand-washing booth at a Health Fair

Ruins of the old British Sugar mill that shipped 60 tone of refined sugar a day - in season

Sewage entering a drainage canal

My new Peace Corps issue bike - Trek 3700 aluminium

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