Tuesday, January 22, 2019

So long, Peace Corps - It's been good to know you.

Yesterday, I got the news from Peace Corps Medical Review Board. They confirmed that I am not medically cleared to continue my PC service. It was a boiler-plate letter that failed to address the issues or explain how I was medically cleared 3 times in the last 4 years with identical medical indicators or give guidance on how I might get clearance in the future.
I’ve gone through the range of emotions – from shock to anger to self-pity to resentment and back again. I stewed about it for most of the day. I finally arrived at the peace of acceptance and gratitude for the 8 wonderful years I enjoyed as a Peace Corps volunteer. I was given the opportunity to use my skills and experience to serve and help a lot of people, to see parts of the world as a local instead of as a tourist and to wake up to adventure every day. Peace Corps gave me a vehicle and platform for all that, for which I will always be thankful. More than that, the many warm friendships I made during my service and the wonderful memories will always be with me. So, in that sense, I’m not leaving the Peace Corps. I will always be proud to be an RPCV – Returned Peace Corps Volunteer – one of the over 230,000 RPCVs who have served their country and the world in peace.
Time to move on. For now, I’ll put my construction skills to work as a volunteer at the local Habitat for Humanity and my love of nature (and gift for gab) as a volunteer Visitor Guide at a beautiful nearby park; and whatever other service opportunities present themselves. Plus, I’ll have more time to enjoy the company of my wonderful son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren and the gorgeous weather of SW Florida.


  1. New blessings Open in all directions. I am proud of your attitude during your disappointment. Something great is coming. See you in May-June. Janet and I are coming. Can't wait.

  2. Good luck Greg in your new endeavors! I'm sure you will be an asset to anyone and any company you serve! Thanks for all you have done in the past!

  3. Your attitude about it all is admirable. And you're right; it was a great opportunity for you to utilize your many formidable skills and talents in service to your vision of equity and sustainabililty. And it sounds like you intend to continue that activity, if more locally. Best wishes to you, Goyo. You continue to be a source of inspiration for a meaningful retirement!

  4. Bravo Brother!!! A new chapter is ahead! Enjoy the family and make some great memories as you build even better relationships!!💖😍💖😍💖
