Saturday, November 19, 2011

El Condor Pasa

Living in Peru, I hear this tune often.  But most Peruvians don’t know the lyric. So, I decided to do a little research, as is my way. Americans know the tune from Simon & Garfunkel “If I could, I surely would”. But the original version is in the Quechua (ancient Inca) language and is basically a prayer for freedom from the cruel treatment of the Spanish mine owners. The Spanish lyrics are a little different, according to my translation. All appear below, as well as YouTube links to the Spanish and S&G versions. As you can see, Quechua is NOT an easy language and uses LONG compound words. But, in any language, the tune – especially when played on pipe flute – is hauntingly beautiful and captivating.
Yau kuntur llaqtay orgopy tiyaq
Maymantam gawamuhuakchianqui, kuntur kuntur
Apayllahuay llaqtanchikman, wasinchikman chay chiri orgupy,
Kutiytam munany kuntur kuntur.

Kuzco llaqtapyn plazachallampyn suyaykamullaway,
Machupicchupy Huaynapicchupy purikunanchiqpaq.

English translation of Quechua – not mine

Oh mighty Condor owner of the skies, take me home, up into the Andes
Oh mighty Condor.
I want go back to my native place to be with my Inca brothers,
that is what I miss the most, Oh mighty Condor.

Wait for me in Cusco, in the main plaza,
so we can take a walk in Machupicchu and Huayna-picchu.

 Modern Spanish version 
El condor de los andes despertocon la luz de un feliz amaneser 
sus alas lentamente despegoy bajo al rio azul para beber.
 tras el la tierra se cubriode verdos, de amor, y paztras el el prado floresio y el sol broto en el trigal 

el condor al pasar me dijo a misigeme mas aya y tu veras
 en la espalda del condor me sentey a volar cada vez mas el cielo 

mirar mirar hacia la tierratan distinto 
de lo que vifronteras no se pueden vertodo el mundo desde hayes lo que vi 

el condor de los andes desendioal llegar un feliz amaneser el condor al igual 
se despertorepitio su sobre l rebañotodos iguales

 tras el la tierra se cubriode verdor, de amor y paztras el el prado floresio y el sol broto en el trigal  

English translation of modern Spanish – with my apologies

The  condor of the Andes awoke
with the light of a joyous sunrise

The condor slowly took off his wings
and dove in the river to drink blue water

after the land was covered
in truth, love and peace
the meadow flowered and the sun broke out in the cornfield

The passing condor said to me
Fly with me  and you will see more

I rode on the back of the condor and we flew in
 the sky ever higher

look look to the land
so different from what I had seen before

borders can not be seen
around the world
that  is what I saw

The condor of the Andes descended
to reach a happy sunset

the condor as he awoke
repeated his flight
all was the same

after the land was covered in
greenery, peace and love
 the meadow flowered
and the sun broke out in the cornfield

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