Sunday, June 23, 2013

Peace Corps Videos

The Peace Corps Communications office has produced wonderful videos, out of the many hours of video they shot of me and various projects last fall. Two, so far, with another – about the biodigesters – due out soon. Just click on the titles or links below to view them.
  1. Thumbnail 2:06

Another wonderful visit to the Peace Corps center in Lima this week. It always feels like home, thanks to the great staff and volunteers that make it so. I got to meet the new Response group and witness their swearing-in. And the Cocina model that I made was well received – so much so that Jorge has commissioned another 5 models. A good project for my carpenter/welder friend Vidal. It was meant to be a medical visit. PC medical staff in DC wanted my blood pressure checked after a border-line 140/100 reading. The EKG, stress test, 24 hr BP monitor, etc , were done at a 1st class clinic in a posh part of town. While we PCVs live at the same level as those we work with, we enjoy access to the “other”, private health care system that the wealthy folks of Lima enjoy.

As I taxied around between appointments, I was struck by the dearth of traffic signs. While there are signal lights at major intersections (with terrific count-down displays, showing the time left until light change), there are very few stop signs at other intersections. A tribute to the common-sense and courtesy approach, so different from the highly-regulated US system. Most all drivers are professionals and do NOT drive distracted. With an accident rate about ¼ of the US, maybe we could learn from this approach.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work, podnah. We left Palo Alto in 1967 for our tour in Somalia. My daughter just became an RPCV after two years in Costa Rica. I'll read your blog now that I know it's here. Bookmarked!
