Monday, November 10, 2014

San Luis Playground Redux

Angel and Goyo celebrate a final adventure together after repairs are complete
One night, about three weeks ago, person or persons unknown scaled a 12 ft wall for the purpose of vandalizing one of the children’s’ playgrounds that I helped construct during my Peace Corps service in mi pueblo of San Luis de Canete. Vandalism, the destruction or defacing of something for the sheer joy? of it, has always baffled me and I won’t dwell on it here. But, my stalwart community partner, Angel, and I were not going to allow the bastards a victory.

Samuel retouches one of his brilliant wall murals
I packed up my tools and headed to the scene of the crime to assist. Angel had marshalled a welder, some kids and the multi-talented graffiti artist Samuel , to converge on the playground last Saturday and set things right. The kids picked up all the trash and raked the soft sand base. I put the swings back together, with the aid of my trusty battery drill. Samuel touched-up his gorgeous murals and used the left-over paint to spiff the equipment. A new seat was cut and installed on the see-saw and our “Wild Man” welder made fast work of repairing and reinforcing the see-saw. We celebrated with Inca-Kola, of course as well as hugs and last Good-Bye to my dear friend Angel.

The trip also gave me a chance for a final Farewell to all my dear friends in San Luis. It was my honor and privilege to work with these wonderful, caring, generous folks over the last 3+ years. Angel, Avelino and his family, Gloria, Esther, Victor, Cristina, Paulina, Fernando…. I will never forget them. They will always have a special place in my heart, as will San Luis, Mi Pueblo, Mi Corazon.

Our welder looked a bit on the wild side, but he did a great job
 The bus ride back to Lima was a sweet trip down Memory Lane. I’ve taken that route close to a hundred times and know it well. But, this time was particularly poignant, since it will be my last as a Peace Corps volunteer. Every landmark seemed to stand out and even the stark desert seemed more beautiful, when seen through my misty eyes.

Click here to see more photos

Click here to watch video of the playground construction

The Grounds Crew enjoyed a well deserved swing

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