Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Second Solar Pump

Mama Rosa gets first water at her house - just flip a switch

Another busy week in mi pueblo. Trying to get everything buttoned down before I do a training for the Peru 20 group and then hit the road to the jungle. And make sure that all is ready for the WATSAN 20 group training here the day after I get back.

wiring job - switches for lights and pump
Mama Rosa, digging the water line ditch
To that end – we kicked some solar butt on Sunday, starting with a bike ride which included 5 x5M lengths of water line strapped to my frame. (Yes, I still love my bike) Rosa and her son Elvis and I got the new second solar-powered pump system installed. Only one small snag – materials list was short one PVC fitting, but the goat farm was nearby with all my spare parts. The “ladder” they gave me to get up on the roof was not exactly OSHA approved, but it worked just fine. Elvis and Rosa did the water line trench, which was lined with beach sand and covered. They raise turkeys, and while we were testing the pump, the chicks all gravitated to the line – I figure the vibration was the attraction. Chicks dig vibration – Si o No ?

Meanwhile, I worked my magic on the plumbing and wiring. Once again, my tools proved invaluable in speeding the job flow – testing polarity, drilling perfect holes in the wall for pipes, stripping and nutting wires and installing screws. So now, all Mama Rosa does is flip the switch inside the door and she gets a nice flow of clean water, right at her door. I also gave them another switched circuit for lighting, to save them on kerosene lamps, if power is still available after switching. We also discussed future plans for bringing the water inside – if they get a sink – and hooking up a shower. They’ve got plenty of hose to reach the other 2 houses next door and the livestock. Water flow tested at about 160 gallons per hour.

I’ve learned that Margarita got the job in Lima. Happy for her – she’ll have more time with Victor, but even less time with her kiddles. She plans to come home on weekends – we’ll see how that goes. The kids will be living with relatives here – Camila adores her aunt and they have a great time together. When school gets out for the summer in December, they’ll be moving to Lima, as well. They have been such a joy for me. Hard to think of not having them around every day.

Closed out my ECPA renewable energy grant. Lots of paperwork and accounting – not my favorite part of the job. I really enjoy the field construction, the planning, the organizing, the physical work and working with very helpful and appreciative folks. Explaining the technology, operation and maintenance. The field follow-up. I love all that, so I guess 1 day of paperwork is a small price to pay. And as my beloved Grandfather said “Greggie Boy, the job’s not done until the work space is clean, the paperwork is done and all tools cleaned and ready for the next job.” Word.

Looking forward to meeting the new group of PCVs and doing some training. And then on to adventure, through the Andes to the Amazon jungle. (insert Tarzan yell) My first vacation in over a year. I’m due…..

Before I go - one last plug for the Playgrounds project. Thanks to over 20 of you wonderful folks, we are over half way to the funding goal. If you haven’t already, please consider a deductible donation at :

And we thank you for your support.

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