Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mid -Service Conference

The Peru WATSAN training group - Who's the old guy in the back ??

It was a busy week in Lima, running hither and yon between medical and dental exams, appointments and lab tests. We were lovingly and expertly guided through the process by the outstanding PCMO medical staff. I’m pleased to report that, other than a monster cavity, everything is where it should be and operating well within tolerances. I’ve shed about 24 pounds during my time in Peru – drilled two extra holes in my belts and happily suffering from “baggy-pants” syndrome. A week with hot showers and excellent, albeit “pricey” food is always a treat.

It was wonderful to spend time with my fellow WATSAN training group. We are officially now called WASH, but a Water & Sanitation PCV by any name smells just as sweet. A close bond developed during training and it was sweet to be with “the gang” again. The PC staff at the Center in Lima was just as welcoming as ever. The place really does feel like home-away-from-home. I must comment that the event was marred by some adolescent behavior and hung-over tardiness by a few of the group. While it might be written off to youthful exuberance and inexperience, it reaffirms my commitment to promotion of “older” Volunteers after I return to the States.

A PowerPoint slide show of first year service projects is attached, as I presented to the group.

 In addition, I’ve enjoyed two vacation trips – exploring the jungle and deep desert of Peru. It truly has been a great ride so far. I have been blessed to work with outstanding community partners, very helpful Municipality, PCVs and staff – and to live in a comfortable site with great infrastructure. And most of all, I give Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends, who have supported me and CHEERed me on through this extraordinary adventure. Next year could be even better.

A really sweet treat was when “Mama Kathleen” our training guide and guardian presented us with letters we had written to ourselves a year ago. I got a little teary, as I read a letter from the “me” of the past. Always nice to hear from a good friend.

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